For your reading enjoyment...

Poaching Committee Report

Proposed MSYSA Rule Changes to Discourage Poaching

Present Poaching Rule

Rule 3.7 Poaching

Any club or team which, through its responsible officers or representatives,

A.      Attempts at any time prior to the second Saturday in June of any seasonal year to induce a registered player (or their parent or guardian) of any team under the jurisdiction of this Association to leave their team before the end of the current season; or

B.     Attempts at any time prior to the second Saturday in June of the seasonal year to induce the player to leave their team for the following seasonal year shall be deemed to have committed a poaching offense and shall be dealt with by the MSYSA board or directors. 

Proposed Poaching Rule

Rule 3.7 Poaching

Poaching is considered a significant offense by this Association and any league, club, or individual found to have committed a poaching violation shall be subject to a significant sanction as determined by the MSYSA board of directors.

Any club, team, or league which through its responsible officers or representatives,

A.      Attempts at any time prior to the approved tryout start date of any seasonal year to induce a registered player (or their parent or their guardian) of any team, or any team as a whole, club, or league under the jurisdiction of this Association to leave their current affiliation before the end of the current seasonal year will be considered a poaching violation. 

Rationale: Defines poaching efforts intended to recruit players/ organizations for the present seasonal year. 

B.     Attempts at any time prior to the approved tryout start date of any seasonal year to induce a registered player (or their parent or their guardian) of any team, or any team as a whole, club, or league under the jurisdiction of this Association to leave their current affiliation for the following seasonal year will be considered a poaching violation. 

Rationale: Defines poaching efforts intended to recruit players/ organizations for the following seasonal year. 

C.     Teams or clubs requesting to change MSYSA leagues during the seasonal year must obtain written permission of the president of their present league before that move is permitted. 

Rationale: This ensures any team or club movement during the seasonal year does not injure the team's or club's present league and its other member teams or clubs. 

D.     Any player meeting, training camp, clinic or open house organized by leagues or clubs conducted after April 1st and prior to the approved tryout date will be considered a pre-tryout meeting.  MSYSA affiliated leagues or clubs choosing to conduct pre-tryout meetings, training, camps, clinics or an open house:

a.      May not publish the pre-tryout meeting outside of their organization.

b.      May not permit any players registered with MSYSA to attend the pre-tryout meeting, training, camp, clinic or open house unless that player is presently a member of their organization.

c.      Organizations violating the above guidelines are considered to have conducted a poaching violation and are subject to an initial minimum financial sanction of $2,000 per event.  A maximum financial sanction of $2,000 or more per unauthorized player participating in the pre-tryout event may be imposed as well as additional non-financial sanctions as determined by the MSYSA board of directors.  Such additional sanctions may include ineligibility to participate in MSYSA authorized events including MSYSA's State Cup Tournament, the Mid-West Regional League, or other appropriate sanctions.


Rationale: Pre-tryout events are being used with increased frequency as unauthorized tryouts.  There is little justification to hold a pre-tryout event for a club's own players since the club has had a seasonal year to train and evaluate those players.  The true value of pre-tryout training is to provide a secure environment to evaluate and communicate with players presently not a member of the club conducting the event prior to the approved tryout date.  This rule is an attempt to halt unauthorized player evaluations and communications for the two-month period prior to tryouts.  

Concern: Parents and players should have as much time as possible to investigate and evaluate clubs prior to tryouts.  Establishing a two-month non-contact period restricts their ability to become better informed.  

Comment: MSYSA's ability to discourage unauthorized pre-tryout events will be significantly compromised without a clear "non-contact period".  Parents and players have the opportunity to gather information prior to April 1st

E.     In those instances in which a coach moves from one club to another separate and distinct club at the end of the seasonal year, the coach may not coach or train players of the same gender and succeeding age group for that seasonal year.  For example, if a U11 boys coach moves to another club, the coach may not coach a U12 boy's team the following seasonal year.  This prohibition shall last one seasonal year.  If a coach moves from one club to another separate and distinct club during the seasonal year, the prohibition shall be enforced for the remainder of that seasonal year and the following seasonal year.  In the event a club dissolves, this rule does not apply. 

Rationale: Too often when coaches move from one club to another club, the effect is to bring the better players from the prior club to play for the coach's new team and club.   This player movement harms the old team, club and players.  In the worst instances, the players left behind are too few to form a team leaving those players without a team. 

Recommended Additions to Rule 3.6: Player Release, Transfer, Dual Registration

 B.     Player Transfers

9.     The league from which a player is transferred may charge the new team a player transfer processing fee. 

 Rationale: The relative ease in obtaining approved player transfers enables poaching during the seasonal year.  Leagues that have imposed significant transfer fees have experienced major reductions in transfer requests.

Committee Members

Yvonne Curtis             Dan Raben

Brian Doyle                  Bryan Thorp

Miriam Hickey                Wendy Zielen

Mike Poulos